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材料系 材加系 材物系 无机系 粉末冶金与先进陶瓷研究所


姓  名: 杨穆
所在系所: 材物系
职  务: 干部
职  称: 教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路30号大阳城8722(中国)责任有限公司
邮  编: 100083
电  话: 010-82376882
邮  箱: yangmu@ustb.edu.cn
传  真:
















    1. Peng Wang, Chaohao Peng, Mu Yang*, Ag decorated 3D urchin-like TiO2 microstructures synthesized via a one-step solvothermal method and their photocatalytic activity, J. Alloys Compounds, 2015, 648, 22-28.

    2. Jie Li, Zeting Huang, Mu Yang*, Li Tan, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongyi Gao, Yinhai Tang, Qianqian Ma, Ge Wang*, Oriented immobilization of Au nanoparticles on C@P4VP core-shell microspheres and their catalytic performance, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 2949-2955.

    3. Jingjing Wang, Shuang Fan, Yi Luan, Jia Tang, Zhaokui Jin, Mu Yang*, Yunfeng Lu*, Ultrathin mesoporous NiCo2O4 nanosheets as an efficient and reusable catalyst for benzylic oxidation, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 2405-2410.

    4. Mu Yang, Yangguang Guo, Qiang Wu, Yi Luan, Ge Wang, Synthesis and properties of amphiphilic nonspherical SPS/PS composite particles by multi-step seeded swelling polymerization, Polymer, 2014, 55, 1948.

    5. Mu Yang, Lijing Cao, Li Tan, Synthesis of sea urchin-like polystyrene/polyaniline microspheres by seeded swelling polymerization and their catalytic application, Colloid Surface A, 2014, 441, 678.

    6. Jinzhang Tao, Mu Yang*, Hongyi Gao, Jie Yu, Ge Wang, Synthesis and assembly of oligoaniline for hierarchical structures within stable and mild acid system, Colloid Surface A, 2014, 451,117.

    7. Mu Yang, Zhaojun Xiang, Ge Wang, A novel orchid-like polyaniline superstructure by solvent for hierarchicalJ. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2012, 367, 49.

    8. 杨穆, 吴强, 马宏图, 王戈, 种子聚合法制备非球形聚合物颗粒的研究进展, 高分子通报, 2012, 03, 69-76.

    9. Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Hongtu Ma, An Efficient Approach for Production of Polystyrene/Poly(4-vinylpridine) Particles with Various Morphologies Based on Dynamic Control, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 911.

    10. Xiubing Huang, Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Effect of surface properties of SBA-15 on confined Ag nanomaterials via double solvent technique, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 2011, 144, 171.

    11. Li Tan, Lijing Cao, Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Dongbai Sun, Formation of dual-responsive polystyrene/polyaniline microspheres with sea urchin-like and core-shell morphologies, Polymer, 2011, 52, 4770. 

    12. Lijing Cao, Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Yen Wei, Dongbai Sun, A Green Epoxidation System with Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Microsphere Supported Molybdenum Catalyst, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chem., 2010, 48, 558.

    13. Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon particles by hollow polymer microsphere template, Colloid Surface A, 2009, 345, 121-126.

    14. Mu Yang, XingXiong Yao, Ge Wang, Hangjun Ding, A simple method to synthesize sea urchin-like polyaniline hollow spheres, Colloid Surface A, 2008, 324, 113.

    15. Mu Yang, Ge Wang, Zhenzhong Yang, Synthesis of hollow spheres with mesoporous silica nanoparticles shell, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2008, 111, 5.

    16. Mu Yang, Jin Ma, Zhongwei Niu, Xia Dong, Huifang Xu, Zhaokai Meng, Zhaoguo Jin, Yunfeng Lu, Zhibin Hu, Zhenzhong Yang, Synthesis of spheres with complex structures using hollow latex cages as templates, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2005, 15, 1523.

    17. Mu Yang, Jin Ma, Chengliang Zhang, Zhenzhong Yang, Yunfeng Lu, General synthetic route toward functional hollow spheres with double-shelled structures, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 6727.

    18. 孔祥华,杨穆,王帅,材料物理基础,冶金工业出版社,2010年。


    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“种子乳液法制备非球形聚合物颗粒:形貌控制和稳定性研究”,No. 51073022,负责人。

    2. 国家自然科学基金宝钢联合基金:“COREX冶炼工艺的煤裂化机理研究”,No. 50934007, 子课题负责人。

    3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:“智能催化材料的功能组装与绿色应用”,FRF-SD-12-004B,负责人。

    4. 企业合作项目:“冶金行业工序余热余能利用技术开发”,负责人。 

    1. 2009年获大阳城8722第六届青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖。

    2. 2012年获北京市科学技术奖二等奖。

    3. 2013年获校优秀文章奖励。


    Colloid Surface A,J. Applied Polym. Sci.,J. Hazardous Mater.》、《Mater. Chem. Phys.,Micro. Meso. Mater.,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》等学术期刊审稿人。