
首页 > 团队队伍 > 团队队伍 > 材料物理与化学系

材料系 材加系 材物系 无机系 粉末冶金与先进陶瓷研究所


姓  名: 郭涛
所在系所: 材物系
职  务: 材物系副主任
职  称: 副教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路30号大阳城8722
邮  编: 100083
办公地点: 金物楼304
电  话:
邮  箱: taoguo@ustb.edu.cn
传  真:


    2008-2012  本科,大阳城8722(中国)责任有限公司

    2012-2018  博士,大阳城8722(中国)责任有限公司

    1. Tao Guo, Lijie Qiao, Xiaolu Pang, Alex. A. Volinsky. Brittle film-induced cracking of ductile substrates. Acta Materialia. 2015, 99: 273-280

    2. Tao Guo, Jianying He, Xiaolu Pang, Alex. A. Volinsky, Yanjing Su, Lijie Qiao, High temperature brittle film adhesion measured from annealing-induced circular blisters. Acta Materialia. 2017, 138: 1-9.

    3. Tao Guo, Yanmeng Chen, Ruohan Cao, Xiaolu Pang, Jianying He, Lijie Qiao, Cleavage cracking of ductile-metal substrates induced by brittle coating fracture. Acta Materialia. 2018, 152: 77-85.

    4. Tao Guo, Xiaolu Pang, Jianying He, Zhiling Zhang, Lijie Qiao, Substrate slip steps promote cracking and buckling of thin brittle film. Scripta Materialia, 2019, 163: 82-85.

    5. Tao Guo, Xiaolu Pang, Yeting Xi, Alex. A. Volinsky, Lijie Qiao. Externally applied stress sign and film elastic properties effects on brittle film fracture. Philosophical Magazine. 2016, 96: 447-458. 
